S1E13- Your Logo is the Last Thing You Should Do!
S1E13 | Your Logo is the Last Thing You Should Do!
📸 by NordWood Themes on Unsplash
As Black women solopreneurs, we often get caught up on the pretty stuff.
You know why…
Because your sh*t has gotta SLAY! All DAMN DAY!
But what’s the point if you have all the pretty and no one is able to really see it or even buy from you to appreciate your pretty and fabulous?
When you’re first starting your business, it’s one of the first things you think about because that’s what entertainment or media may make you THINK it’s about.
But it’s not. Your logo should be the very last thing you think about creating or doing in your business. It won’t matter a hill of beans with some BBQ if you don’t have these 3 points I mention in today’s episode.
So if you’re just starting out, make sure you check off these 3 points as you go along. And if you’re a seasoned entrepreneur, well you can still use these 3 tips to make sure you are building your brand the way YOU envisioned it.
The Biggest Takeaways from This Episode
- Your logo is really a visual representation of your brand’s message. It helps your audience recognize who you are –that’s it!
- Ain’t nobody gonna buy from you if you don’t even know why they should buy from you.
- Keep your logo as simple as possible; no need to have the entire brand in just one logo mark.
Resources from This Episode
- Join my waitlist for Brand Flava University –a learning community membership where you learn how to design your brand with Flava from A to Z!
- Get my book: Brand Ya Flava: The Black Woman’s Guide to Branding Your Business
- Subscribe to my podcast show and get notified when there’s a new episode!
A Flava Note
Thank you so much for listening and reading I truly appreciate it. I started this podcast because I’ve had so much to say and share about branding, especially as it concerns cultural branding for Women of Color. Also, I want to feature women of color whose brands are just starting in the entrepreneurial game but are rockin’ it out with their brands.
If you enjoyed this episode and my podcast in general, I would dance at your wedding if you can hit me up with an honest review and rating on Anchor, iTunes, Spotify, –whichever one you use to listen. It will help more women of color discover the show but also helps me know that I’m helping you as well.
If you’re a woman of color or a person who adores our Flava and you’re interested in being a guest on my podcast, hit me up at lauren@brandyaflava.com.
Thank you again!

Learn About The Power Your Hold for Your Brand
Learning your Brand’s ‘Flava’ or your brand’s personality is the key to unlocking the power of your brand through messaging and attracting the audience that will love your business to success! Take this quiz to find out what’s your Brand Flava!
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