What a Logo is Really Is! Origin Book Review Part II S1E3
What a Logo Really Is!
Brand Ya Flava Podcast Season 1: Episode 3
De Back Story
As we get started in our new businesses, we can get really caught up in the logo design. But your logo is much more than just your brand name in “fancy-smanschy” fonts and the cute-sy graphics.
In this week’s episode, I’ll share my thoughts on the book Origin by Dan Brown Part II AND how this book gave me new business awareness about branding and specifically, logo design. So let’s get into what your logo really is!
De Nitty Gritty of the Episode
If you missed Show 2, then you’ll be kinda in the dark about this episode. So I suggest going back to listen to Show 2 here.
Origin by Dan Brown is a great recreational book that I read and I was surprised at the insight that it gave me.
The background of the book centers on the main character, Robert Langdon, who is a Harvard professor who teaches symbology and code interpretation through art history. He attends an event in the heart of Spain where a very important message is going to be delivered by his friend that will turn the world upside down concerning mankind’s origin and destination.
The running theme in the book is “Where do we come from and where are we going?” It basically asked the question of how humans got here and where are we headed to as we evolve. Even though there were a lot of scientific references mingled with a face-paced run through 20th-century modern art history, there were a lot of introspective parts that made me think about the deepness of creation.
Nonetheless, there was a part of the book that gave me the most reflective thought. It was how the main character, Langdon, spoke with one of the other characters about his thoughts about whether we were created or evolved from.
He mentioned his thoughts by talking about codes and patterns found in nature and the difference between both.
It was this particular part of the book and the entire conversation around creationism that led me to think about branding and logo design.
I found through introspection a logo should be more than just the text or the graphic –it’s the energy behind it.
A logo is a code created by its creator to provide a message of the purpose of the brand. -Lauren V | Brand Ya Flava Share on XSo we are all creators of our own codes in business and life through our visual branding, but think about it…What’s the code of our humanity and wouldn’t a code need to have a creator?
Listen to the episode to find out. 😉
Thanks for tuning in and I’ll check you on the next episode.
Origin by Dan Brown — Available via Amazon.com, Audible or Barnes & Nobles
Want to Learn How to Make Your Logo Stand Out?
Your brand’s message and customer’s experience will help your logo to be seen and heard! Want to know how to do it? Take my quiz to find out what your brand’s message is and how to use your personality to make your brand shine!
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